“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”

5 min readFeb 5, 2023


This has been the Golden Rule passed on for generations to provide a guideline on morality. It also cultivates a sense of empathy for others. The reverse is also true: “Don’t do unto others what you don’t want to be done unto you.”

It basically means that one should treat others the way one wants to be treated. It is to walk the talk and not be hypocritical. Some think that they can do anything to others but others cannot do the same to them, a highly selfish way of behaviour that is morally wrong.

We see such behaviours around us all the time. Friends who take you for granted and assume that you can be there for them all the time but yet avoid you like the plague when shit hits the fan. Or that they lie to you all the time but yet accused you of not being honest with them when you try to avoid their negativity.

This extends to countries and their actions towards others. A particular superpower country is so guilty of it that its citizen assumes it is a God-given right for them to do anything to other weaker countries but will cry murder and retaliate viciously if the same was done to them in reverse. It is basically “Do unto others what you don’t want to be done unto you”. Or “I can do to you whatever I want BUT you cannot do the same to me” syndrome.

The hypocrisy is so obvious and mind-blowing at times that it is so blatant. Sometimes the ulterior motives are wrapped within some altruistic goals (eg. protecting democracy) which can be puke-inducing. You then need to peel back the onion to reveal its rotten core. Neutral outsiders can see through the charade and call it out. But the accused will pivot to either change the subject or threaten retaliation moves as they know that they have the upper hand.

By now you might have guessed the country I am referring to. Yes, it is the hypocritical United States of America. Why so? it has used its military might since WW2 to exert its powers to control and topple various countries for its own objectives in the name of Democracy. It is the self-designated police person of the world to protect the version of democracy it wants to roll out to others.

Just look at the latest fiasco on the air balloon that is hovering over the USA which they claimed is a China spy machine. They could have easily shot it down or captured it. But the reason given was that the debris may crash land and harm its citizens. But dude, can’t you just crash it over the desert or get a plane/drone to trap it?

It is just too newsworthy to cry murder and use it as an excuse to immediately cancel a planned USA-China meeting. One tiny balloon to scare the nation indeed. By the way, America has been using its U2 and SR71 spy planes to spy on others by flying over them for decades. We can do that to you but you absolutely cannot do it to us!!! How dare you! They finally took it down this morning over the Atlantic before it drifts beyond the American border. More “newsworthy” reporting ahead on the debris found.

America has been using its USD Swift system as a gun over the head of nations that do not toe the line for years. To cut off and deny access to the global financial system. It also encourages others to embargo the target to make it a pariah. The action cripples the economy of the targeted nation while it further encourages the Western world to join it in the fight against evil.

Why do you think China and Russia are now trying to create a CBDC system and try to use non-USD currencies to price commodities? America has been using the US dollar as an economic weapon, printing it like there is no tomorrow and holding the world addicted and hostage to this drug. It also uses its military sales to supply countries with weapons of destruction. Sending their old stock to Ukraine means that they can order more from Lockheed/Raytheon/Northrop while creating new demand from NATO to buy more.

The pot calling the kettle black is another useful term to label them. Infrastructure is crumbling and way behind the rest of the world. Healthcare costs are sky-high and a stubborn refusal to learn from the successes of others. Violent gun crime has been normalised with a gun-crazy 1st amendment right to own arms. Yet they try to call out other countries for the same weaknesses that they have.

Look at the way they are trying to stop the rise of China. China bashing is so fashionable in the Senate. They cannot let their mighty military industry collapse as they face a new competitor that does not fire a single bullet but uses soft power via economic strategies to gain influence.

The Huawei saga is one such bias attack. It has been a number of years since they “exposed” that its chips had back-door access. But I have only seen ONE article sensationalising this conspiracy. Why have no tech journals ever dissected and exposed this chip as it will be so newsworthy? Never before have I seen a superpower country concentrate all its might on a single company to ensure its demise. Imagine the EU trying to destroy Tesla for the perceived “conspiracy” of producing evil autonomous EV cars.

If TikTok was dangerous and brainwashed its citizens, what about American inventions like FaceBook and Instagram? Aren’t they doing the same on social media? Remember Cambridge Analytica and the election influence of Trump using FB data?

There is now a concerted effort by America and its allies to ban the sale of chips to China to prevent and cripple its advancement into AI. Yes, China has been stealing corporate technology and it should stop. But so has America for many years and will it stop? Just because your number one position is under threat, must one go out of its way to sabotage a rising competitor constantly?

I enjoy listening to chat rooms in Clubhouse and Twitter Spaces to understand the views of others. There are usually a majority of Americans participating. Whenever a topic concerns global issues, everyone is allowed to provide their opinions. But if it was an American-centric one, non-citizens are usually told that they do not understand the situation at all and should keep quiet. This self-righteous superiority behaviour is so repugnant and most Americans embrace it.

The Golden Rule also applies to an individual. I try to walk the talk and remove myself from any toxic relationships that give out too much negativity. Life is too short to engage in such one-sided behaviour which weakens your soul constantly. It is better to seek out new ones or cultivate positive ones than to dwell in deadbeat ones.




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